Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pertaining Circumstances

"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin."

Carpe Diem, seize the day. So we've heard countless times during our once only lifetime. Is it worth is though? Consider that you do live once, there isn't anyone there to deny it. You've not going to enter a cheat code into life that'll give you endless chances. Not with today's reality anyways. Give the sciences behind Dollhouse and other such shows and maybe, just maybe one day we'll have that extra chance. But, who's to say we should take those chances??
I mean you live once, you take that chance once and you fuck it up. Great, you know the end story, but what did you have to lose just to find out? It can't always be worth it.
Surely there must be a way to measure up the risk facture in taking that chance before hand.
Ask a friend, ask a shrink, google it even???!

I'll likely get about 50/50 results in answers. I'm being perfectly honest I googled the question =P

Of course some said yes some said no. There is no good answer for these questions. Seizing the day can most certainly ruin the day. And if you ruin your last day where is the happiness.

Holding onto the past is sad, but it can help distract you from the future.

lol really.. no good answer

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Blarg. It can be use for anything really. Oh so says Urban Dictionary and I fully intend on trusting every bit of fact on that website.

Well It has certainly been a while since my last thought. Last published one anyway.
A slight computer black out resulting from a falty power cable and laziness resulted in my delay and thus I attempted to use anothers computer. Which decided to freeze near the end of my final thoughts and thus, sadly, that blog was lost in the restart of the computer.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Guy Fawkes Day

Remember remember the fifth of November, The gunpower plot and treason. I see of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.

That's right. I remember how it goes. Of course this is because the small amount of British in me wishes to emerge in the event of Holidays where you get to have a huge fire and light fireworks. But alas.. being in Waterloo where everone is asian, and for some reason thinks the holiday is nothing more then a bit of fiction created by the 2005 film V for Vendetta, no one is willing to celebrate it.
Now normally on the 5th of November the typical way to celebrate would be by having a fire in the backyard and to have fireworks. I know.. this isn't going to happen in Waterloo, but you think we could get together and watch V for Vendetta. That's at least something. Ohh how many times I heard the excuse "Oh I've already seen it before" when I asked people if they'd like to watch it.
I get it.. you've seen it. Guess what? So have I.. like 5 times... Can people only watch a movie once?? I mean I understand if you saw it within the last few weeks, though it's never stopped me from watching a movie 4 times in 3 days lol.
Needless to say... Here I am. Not doing anything, because apparently more than one friend sleeps at 10. Waaay early!!
And the other... have seen it in the last 4 years.. A-durr LOL

What can I do? Another boring night in Waterloo.

Oh yay! My one roommate will watch now!

Off I go ^^

On a side note....

haha what more could one ask for.

But it's kind of terrible.. it really shouldn't be funny...